
Changing Label Colors (ZP SQL & ZP 32)

I have written before about how to use a script to change the text assigned to a field label. Today I had a customer ask if you could also change the color of the label to make it stand out. In this example I'm selecting "Base" as the Module, "Property" as the Screen, and "Screen" as the Action and my script is:

propscreen.zp_pageframe1.page1.lblExist_use.Caption = "Warning"
propscreen.zp_pageframe1.page1.lblExist_use.Forecolor = RGB(255,0,0)

The first line changes the label for the Existing Use field on the Property Screen to "Warning." The second line makes that label red. To change the color of a field you enter in three Red/Green/Blue values from 0 to 255. Different values produce the rainbow of colors. You can use a number of web sites to learn the RGB values for any color you desire.


Forcing Final Date Fill Ins (ZP SQL)

A customer recently asked if there was a way to force the filling in of the Final Date field after a "FINAL" inspection was completed in the Building Inspection Details Screen. This script does just that assuming you have an inspection type called "FINAL" and that your result value is "APPROVED."  If those conditions are met and the Final Date field is empty in the Building Screen, the script will fill in today's date and put you in Edit Mode in the Building Screen after you exit the Inspection Details Screen. This script uses "Building" for the Module, "Buildinsp" for the Screen, and "Save" for the Action:

if detail1.detail = "FINAL" and detail1.iresult = "APPROVED" and ISNULL(build1.occ_date)
= messagebox("Be sure to check Final Date in Building Screen",64,"Alert")
replace build1.occ_date with date()
buildscreen.isediting = .T.


Auto Increment Permit Numbers By Ten (ZP 32 & ZP SQL)

I had a customer ask if there was a way to have the auto numbering feature for permits increment by 10 instead of just one. You can do this by adding a script to the "Add" function of any screen. This script uses "Building" as the Module, "Building" as the Screen, and "Add" as the Action. The script is:

newcert = left(cert, len(trim(cert))-4) +padl(alltrim(str(val(right(trim(cert),4))+9)),4,"0")
replace cert with newcert

This script add an extra 9 to the auto generated new permit number to make it increment by a total of ten. This script will work for any of the permit screens in either ZP 32 or ZP SQL.