Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire. Show all posts


Accessing Contractor Data from Fire Permit Screen

I had a request from a Fire Module customer who wanted to be able to add Contractor information to a Fire Permit record in a similar fashion used by the Building or Zoning screens. The following script will pull up a browse table of all Contractor names and then place the selected name and license number in the Fire Permit screen User3 field. It uses the left-click option of the User Script button. In the User Scripts screen I added a new item using "Fire" for the Module, "Fireperm" for the Screen, and "Left" for the Action:

if fire2screen.isediting
select alltrim(trim(first_name)+" "+last_name) as name, license;
from contract into cursor tempcont
on key label enter keyboard chr(23)
on key label spacebar keyboard chr(23)
on key label rightmouse keyboard chr(23)
browse normal in window mainzone noedit nodelete;
title "Contractor Records - Press Space Bar to Select"
if lastkey() = 23
replace fireperm.user3 with trim(" "+tempcont.license
on key label spacebar
on key label rightmouse
on key label enter
use in iif(used("tempcont"),"tempcont",0)
select fireperm

This is an unusual script request but it illustrates how powerful the scripting option can be.