The City of Whiting wanted to know if they could use the Photo Module to attach image files to records in the Contractor Screen. While that is not possible, I did devise a script that gives some of the same functionality. This script looks in a designated folder to see if there is a subfolder that matches the name of the contractor company. If it finds such a folder it launches the folder in Windows Explorer. The user can then easily see the contents of the folder be they image files, Word documents, or whatever. Using the Windows thumbnail option with such folders makes them even more informative. While this script uses the Company field as the folder name, almost any field in the contractor database could be used as the matching criteria. This script works well with one of the
Script Button options such as "Left" or "Right". It's worth noting that this script would work just as well in the Property Screen as a poor man's substitute for Photo Module. This script uses the "Contractor"
Module, the "Contractor"
Screen and the "Left"
myfolder = "c:\photos\" + trim(company)
if directory(myfolder)
wait window "Cannot Find Folder" nowait