A customer just asked if there was a way to selectively hide the Social Security number field on the Contact File Screen so that only certain users could see it. The most reasonable way to do this would be by Security Access Level. The script below hides both the number field and its label if the user's security level is over 2. This script was created using "Contact File" for the Module, "Contact" for the Screen, and "Screen" for the Action:
if zpsecure.cfs > 2
if wexist('propscreen')
cfscreen.zp_pageframe1.page2.txtSs_num.visible = .F.
cfscreen.zp_pageframe1.page2.lblSs_num.visible = .F.
cfscreen2.zp_pageframe1.page2.txtSs_num.visible = .F.
cfscreen2.zp_pageframe1.page2.lblSs_num.visible = .F.
You'll notice there appear to be two sets of screen references. This is because there are two Contact Screens: one launched from the Main Screen and one from the Property Screen.
It is worth noting you can also use the security setting to block printing of the field in any document by adding "zpsecure.cfs>2" to the Print When section in the approriate field properties via the Document Editor.