
E-mailing to All Contractors at Once (ZPSQL)

A customer asked if there is a way to send and e-mail to all of the contractors at once that have an e-mail address in ZP. While there is no way to do that in ZonePro itself, you can use a script to get a usable list of all the e-mail addresses that you can then paste into your regular e-mail program.

To enter the script go to User Defined Scripts in Maintenance. Select "Contractor" for the Module, leave the Screen at "Contractor" and change the Action to "Left". Then past the following script in and save it:

mycommand = [select distinct email from contract where email > '  ']
mylist = ''
select pickresult
go top
mylist = mylist + TRIM(email)+[,]
mylist = left(mylist,len(mylist)-1)
_cliptext = mylist
use in iif(used('pickresult'),'pickresult',0)
select contract
wait window "Emails copied to Windows Clipboard" nowait

Now go to any Contractor record in the Contractor Screen and left-click on the User Script icon (the book). This creates a comma-separated list of contractor e-mails and saves it to the Windows clipboard so that you can paste it in another mail program. It also saves a text file of this under the file name "contractor_emails.txt." You can edit text file or copy and paste from it also.


Changing the Default Dates in Contractor Docs Screen (ZPSQL)

The Contractor Docs screen displays a Start and End date that can be used for license printing. At the beginning of the year the date range is January to December, but then it automatically switches to July to June later in the year. I had a customer who wanted to keep the dates at January to December no matter what. This is how you do it. Start a script for the "Contractor" Module. Choose "ContDoc" for Screen, and leave the Action at "Screen". The script would be:

contdocs.startday = "January "+STR(YEAR(DATE()),4)
contdocs.endday = "December "+STR(YEAR(DATE()),4)


Changing the Default Sort in a Report Screen (ZPSQL & ZP32)

A customer asked if there was a way to change the default sort choice in their Violations Report Screen so that it always started on "Inspect Date." Looking at the sort choices in that screen I could see that that option was the fourth one in the list. To create the script in the User Defined Script Screen I chose "Zoning" as the Module, "ViiolateRep" as the Screen, and left "Screen" as the action. The actual script I entered was:

viorep.cmbsortby.listitemid = 4
viorep.sort_order = viorep.taglist(4,2)

Now when they enter that screen the default sort is the one they want. This script can be easily modified for other choices in the sorting list by changing the 4's in the script to the desired number. You can also use it for other report screens by substituting the proper screen name for "viorep".


Selectively Hiding the Social Security Number on Contact Screen (ZPSQL)

A customer just asked if there was a way to selectively hide the Social Security number field on the Contact File Screen so that only certain users could see it. The most reasonable way to do this would be by Security Access Level. The script below hides both the number field and its label if the user's security level is over 2. This script was created using "Contact File" for the Module, "Contact" for the Screen, and "Screen" for the Action:

if zpsecure.cfs > 2
if wexist('propscreen')
cfscreen.zp_pageframe1.page2.txtSs_num.visible = .F.
cfscreen.zp_pageframe1.page2.lblSs_num.visible = .F.
cfscreen2.zp_pageframe1.page2.txtSs_num.visible = .F.
cfscreen2.zp_pageframe1.page2.lblSs_num.visible = .F.

You'll notice there appear to be two sets of screen references. This is because there are two Contact Screens: one launched from the Main Screen and one from the Property Screen.

It is worth noting you can also use the security setting to block printing of the field in any document by adding "zpsecure.cfs>2" to the Print When section in the approriate field properties via the Document Editor.


Using Login Credentials to Fill Initial Fields (ZPSQL)

Because you have to login to use ZP SQL, the system knows who you are and can add your initials to a field automatically if desired. Your initials are stored in a system variable called ZPSECURE.OWNINIT. So if you want to always have your initials added to the Received By field in the Violations Screen each time you add a new violation record you can do so by creating a script for the "Add" action for the "Violations" screen:

replace comp_recv with zpsecure.owninit.

If you want to prevent anyone from editing that info once it is added automatically, just add another line to your script:

vlscreen.zp_pageframe1.page2.txtComp_recv.enabled = .F.

If you really want to lock down that info you should also create a script for the "Edit" action that repeats that second line of the script.


Referencing Rental Status in Property Screen (ZP32)

If you need to run reports on permits or violations issued to rental properties it can be useful to have the Property database itself indicate that the property is used for rental. The following script is a one-time run script that would be executed from the Database Browser screen script option. It will put the value "RENTAL" in the Property User7 field if said property has any kind of Rental record store.

update property set user7 = "RENTAL" from rental where rental.prop_id = property.prop_id

Now you run reports from any screen and used the Advanced Filter option to check the Property User7 field for "RENTAL" to get only application records issued to rental properties.


Referecing Zoning District Setbacks From Any Screen (ZPSQL)

From the Property Screen you can easily reference the minimum setbacks defined for the assigned Zoning District by clicking on the "Zoning" label to display the Zoning District Maintenance Screen. This option may be even more useful on permit screens where you need to compare the desired setbacks of a project with those allowed. This script uses the Building Screen as an example but the script will work for almost any screen. I'm using the right-click option on the Script button but that is easily changed too. To implement the script start in User Defined Scripts Screen using "Building" as the Module, "Building" as the Screen and "Right" as the Action. Click the New button and then paste in the script below:

myAlias = alias()
 if not empty(property.zoning)
myCommand = [do zcodes_link in maintsql.app with '] + property.zoning +[']

select (myAlias)

Now if you go to any Building Screen and right-click on the Script button the Zoning District Maintenance Screen will pop up showing the minimum setbacks allowed for that property.