
E-mailing to All Contractors at Once (ZPSQL)

A customer asked if there is a way to send and e-mail to all of the contractors at once that have an e-mail address in ZP. While there is no way to do that in ZonePro itself, you can use a script to get a usable list of all the e-mail addresses that you can then paste into your regular e-mail program.

To enter the script go to User Defined Scripts in Maintenance. Select "Contractor" for the Module, leave the Screen at "Contractor" and change the Action to "Left". Then past the following script in and save it:

mycommand = [select distinct email from contract where email > '  ']
mylist = ''
select pickresult
go top
mylist = mylist + TRIM(email)+[,]
mylist = left(mylist,len(mylist)-1)
_cliptext = mylist
use in iif(used('pickresult'),'pickresult',0)
select contract
wait window "Emails copied to Windows Clipboard" nowait

Now go to any Contractor record in the Contractor Screen and left-click on the User Script icon (the book). This creates a comma-separated list of contractor e-mails and saves it to the Windows clipboard so that you can paste it in another mail program. It also saves a text file of this under the file name "contractor_emails.txt." You can edit text file or copy and paste from it also.