
Enhancing Security For Closed Permits

A customer who uses the Security Module wanted a way to prevent users without the proper access levels from editing building permit records after they had been closed. Only users with a security level of 1 should be allowed to edit those permits. The following script assumes that the Occupy Date field is used to indicate whether a record is closed or not. This script uses "Building" as the Module, "Building" as the Screen and "Edit" as the Action:

if vartype(zpsecure) = "O" and not empty(occ_date) and val(zpsecure.bds) > 1
= messagebox("You cannot edit a finaled permit.",64,"Action Canceled")
buildscreen.isediting = .f.

To use this option with ZP SQL the script needs a slightly altered first line:

if not empty(occ_date) and zpsecure.bds > 1
= messagebox("You cannot edit a finaled permit.",64,"Action Canceled")
buildscreen.isediting = .f.