
Cover Photo for Windows Interface (ZP 32 or ZP SQL)

A while back I added a feature for ZP SQL customers where they could easily attach a "cover" photo to any property that would be viewed as part of the Staff web site when that property was viewed. Working with a customer today I explained that that same concept could be brought to the Windows interface for either ZP 32 or ZP SQL. The basic idea is that you have one photo you consider to be the main photo for a given property. I'm calling this photo the cover shot. You can store and display that photo easily in ZonePro using a script. This technique does not even require the Photo Module. Basically you just pick a location to store all such photos. A place on the server is best in a networked environment. Then you save the photos using an agreed upon naming scheme. For this script I am naming the photos after the property ID. Now I can easily create a generic script that will check my folder for the existence of such a photo for any given property and launch my default photo viewer for Windows. I added this script to the left-click action of the Script button on the Property Screen so the setup is "Base" for the Module, "Property" for the Screen and "Left" for the Action:

myfile = [c:\photo\]+property.prop_id + [.jpg]
if file(myfile)
wait window "Cannot Find Photo " + myfile nowait