Yesterday I talked to a ZP SQL customer about automatically bumping up the number in the License field of the Contractor Screen in a fashion similar to Permit Number fields. I had already covered this topic for ZP 32 but the code is slightly different for ZP SQL. In this case the customer uses a numbering scheme like "C10-001" where 10 represents 2010. The script I created used the User Script button. While editing, clicking on the User Script button automatically fills in the next higher number in the License field. This scripts uses "Contractor" as the Module, "Contractor" as the Screen, and "Left" as the Action. Here is the script:
IF contscreen.isediting = .T.
myCommand = [SELECT MAX(license) AS maxnum FROM contract]
myLast = VAL(RIGHT(TRIM(myLicense.maxnum),3))+1
myNext = LEFT(myLicense.maxnum,4)+PADL(ALLTRIM(STR(MYLast)),3,"0")
USE IN IIF(USED('myLicense'),'myLicense',0)
SELECT contract
REPLACE license WITH myNext