How to Add User Scripts
All of the scripts on this site are user defined scripts. These scripts can be added to your ZonePro system by copying the script text from any post and pasting it into the User Defined Scripts screen in either ZP 32 or ZP SQL. The User Defined Script screen is accessed from the first tab in the Maintenance Options section of ZonePro. When you create a new script in the User Defined Script screen you first indicate which Module and Screen the script is assigned to and then the Action that the script follows. All of these selections are made via drop-down boxes at the top of the User Defined Script screen. Each post should tell you the Module, Screen, and Action that the script was written for. You would duplicate these choices in the User Defined Scripts screen, click on the "New" button, and then paste the script you copied into the main scroll box on the screen. Use the Windows hot-keys and to copy and paste. The last step is to simply hit the "Save Script" button and you have just added new functionality to your ZonePro system.